Tuesday, July 28, 2009


I always thought blogging was stupid and said I would never put my life and thoughts out there on the internet for just anybody and everybody to read. Blogging my trip changed my mind. It was comforting to reflect about my day. It gave perspective and appreciation for all of the good things in my life. I know that everyday of life wont be quite that positive as a few weeks on vacation, but the value of reflection and the gaining of perspective and appreciation are things I need more of.

So...my first blog is about friendship.
Friends come and friends go....that doesnt mean the friendship goes away, but life gets so busy that it is hard to find time to spend with friends. I have so many friends and they mean so much to me, but I am not the best friend...time is not something I have lots of...and I am sure my friends feel like I dont care about them the way I should.

That said...i spent last weekend with two ladies who i consider wonderful friends. Both of them came into my life as parent volunteers in my drama program. They were just being the best kind of mamas to their kids and becoming involved. Both of them went above and beyond and as we spent time together working with productions we became friendly, and overtime both of them became people I was just super comfortable with. I never had to be 'the teacher'. I was open with my failings with both of these women and told them I needed help..and both of them stepped in to fill the gaps. What I lack in organization, Cindy has and she has brought organization to the entire parent communication machine of my drama program both at school and the community theatre. What I lack in time, Stacey has offered. She has sat at rehearsal after rehearsal to be a second set of eyes...so that I could focus my attention on directing the play and she would focus her attention on watching the kids who werent on stage. She has taken pictures, cleaned my classroom - lots of times.... copied papers and painted props, sets, whatever i needed. Stacey has given me the gift of her time.

This past weekend I felt like I could spend time with them without asking for something from them. We had such fun together. It was relaxed, easy...lots of laughs, lots of tears, lots of just plain fun. There was never an awkward moment. We enjoyed lots of good meals, one I cooked and then The Melting Pot and PF Changs, we went out and listened to live music and laughed and laughed and laughed as the dueling piano players turned commedien from time to time. We spent hours baking and reading and listening to music on the beach, we poked at shops, we went to the movies (cried at the movies), I napped hehehehe...I love my summertime naps, and we all three got tattoos.

I feel so blessed to have had their help for so many years and now...I feel even more blessed to consider them my friends. Life is indeed good!

1 comment:

  1. I've never been one for tattoos. I am positive that no matter what I got, I would tire of it in a finite amount of time, but be stuck with it for all eternity.

    At the very least, a tattoo should have a reason. Having one just because it's pretty is soooo lame. But one that celebrates a life or a memory is a very positive thing.
