Saturday, December 12, 2009

sickness and in health

I hate being sick. I hate not cuddling Rich, or kissing him. I hate the creepy schedule where you end up sleeping most of the day and then cant sleep at night. I hate aches, and nausea. I hate my life being turned upside down, and on a weekend too.

Now that I have vented, i really really really appreciate friends like Cindy who step up and tell me to go home and that she will take care of rehearsal. I love and appreciate my husband who is always looking out for me. I really have no cause to complain, with such a good life...whats a little bit of sick anyway?

Monday, December 7, 2009

Books and Movies

I love books...i mean i REALLY love books. There isnt much I love more than taking a good book into a hot bath and reading until it is devoured and I have consumed the complete emotional journey of the characters.

I loved the Twilight books, and the second movie was wonderful. I loved the Harry Potter books, and the movies were hit and miss - some amazing, some not so much.

One of my favorite books was Ken Follett's 'Pillars of the Earth'. I loved it so much, and just learned that they are turning it into a mini series ( I am so excited. I always love to see if a movie director takes what is so vivid in my imagination and brings it to life in a way I expect.

Some books should probably never be made into a movie. I loved the book 'The Life of Pi' but it wouldnt make a very good movie - it would be too much of a horror film. I loved the book 'A Thousand Splendid Suns', but I am not certain that would work in film either. The emotional and physical treatment wouldnt read as well in the starkness of the visual only. They both rely on being inside of the protagonist's head to have a true appreciation.

I am sure the fans of the Gone with the Wind book wondered how any movie could do it justice, or The Thorn Birds, or North and South. ...but justice was done in all instances and I look forward to seeing 'Pillars' brought to life in film.

Sunday, December 6, 2009

Christmas....Cindy Lou or the Grinch?

For so long I have hated Christmas. I dont know why...I guess it always has meant an argument about lights for the tree...or tension about having enough money - or not enough to just let the spirit of giving pour out of me. I can always think of such thoughtful gifts, is always an issue and I end up stymied and frustrated by not being able to 'give' in the way I would like.

I loved Christmas as a kid. I remember barely sleeping as I waited for morning to come. Such excitement. I loved church and christmas carols and my Mom's big family coming over to all celebrate together.

When we moved to Georgia Christmas lost its wonder. No big family. No big excitement. Every year it was the guilt of not having enough money to give to others, and trying to scratch together enough to have a wonderful christmas for my own girls. Rich working the holiday didnt help either. No family except my own little girls to try to keep happy and not let them know for a single moment that it wasnt the most amazingly happy day to me. We baked Jesus a birthday cake every year and sang to him. We went to see movies. We sang songs. Anything so that they would believe I loved the holiday and they would love it too and look forward to it. That, and Rich made a career out of Grinch Impressions. He hated Christmas so much that it finally wore off on me and not only did I not look forward to the day, I became Mrs. Grinch.

When they got old enough the pretense stopped. I barely put up a tree. Rich didnt like it much that I hated Christmas. Interestingly enough....he started to like the holiday some at this point. Trying to encourage a tree, and the shopping, and some modicum of holiday cheer.

This year.....I am feeling a bit like Cindy Lou Who. My life is so good, I have so much to celebrate...that Christmas music, the tree...looking forward to a house full of just wonderful :) I will take delight is cookign the roast beast, making who pudding, and making a day that isnt as much about presents as it is about spending time with the people I love, celebrating our traditions, and a new life with adult relationships that have so much substance. Yes, there is so much reason to enjoy Christmas this year. I think, other than Rich's reading of the book, that the Grinch will stay away this year.

Saturday, December 5, 2009


There is nothing I enjoy more about theatre than when a group comes together as an ensemble. When they respect each other, are committed and determined to do their best, and celebrate enjoying the art together. Today was like that all around.

My middle school cast really showed me good things today. They were able to focus in a way they havent in quite a while and it showed!

The community theatre cast was amazing in welcoming new people and pulling together great stuff.

And the HSM2 cast worked SO hard and got SO much done today. Sometimes change is good, and needed and brings growth. Today we had a couple of incredibly positive additions to the ensemble in choreographer and the young man playing Troy. Sometimes positive energy is all it takes to turn a group around. They sure did that for us today.

I had FUN, despite rehearsal being 8 hours long. LOTS of fun. Might I actually get my 'theatre sparkle' back? I hope so.