Saturday, December 5, 2009


There is nothing I enjoy more about theatre than when a group comes together as an ensemble. When they respect each other, are committed and determined to do their best, and celebrate enjoying the art together. Today was like that all around.

My middle school cast really showed me good things today. They were able to focus in a way they havent in quite a while and it showed!

The community theatre cast was amazing in welcoming new people and pulling together great stuff.

And the HSM2 cast worked SO hard and got SO much done today. Sometimes change is good, and needed and brings growth. Today we had a couple of incredibly positive additions to the ensemble in choreographer and the young man playing Troy. Sometimes positive energy is all it takes to turn a group around. They sure did that for us today.

I had FUN, despite rehearsal being 8 hours long. LOTS of fun. Might I actually get my 'theatre sparkle' back? I hope so.

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