Saturday, March 27, 2010


Today - the atmosphere of rehearsal is exactly what I love about theatre. Everybody there was there with positive energy, a spirit of positive work, and fun even though they were working hard. There was professionalism, support, was just wonderful. No stress, no drama....just two independently working groups of students whose goal was perfecting their craft.

Groups can be interesting...sometimes they gel..and sometimes the gel has trouble setting up. This cast has had some trouble setting up...but I think we may be over the hump and moving into a really positive experience as the show moves closer and the cast members enjoy more time together. If today is a sample of things to come the next month should be fun. I love it when everybody works together and 'the play is the thing'.

Life is like that too sometimes.....relationships can go through periods where everything seems to gel beautifully and times where things have trouble setting up.

My relationship with my mom was one of those that had trouble setting up.... once I was an adult and my life was my own and the power struggle between us ceased to be an set up beautifully and we became so close.

I remember calling her for recipes, calling her to ask her advice about how to handle the sibling rivalry between my daughters, calling her because i was frustrated with work or school...or life in general. Calling her to celebrate achievements of mine, or Rich's or the girls'.

I remember car trips...seemingly endless refrains of John Jacob Jingleheimer Schmidt...... and other Peter Paul and Mary tunes.....and yes...despite what she tried to make people believe....she could sing. I learned how to sing harmony on those singing car trips.

We saw so much of the country. Every outing was educational in some kind of way. The museum of science, the children's museum...rock hunting, trips to DC, NY, and driving out through the country to see Yellowstone, Grand Canyon, Painted Desert, Rocky Mountains, Black Hills......Colorado gold mines....Florida.....the endless waves of grain between..... Disney World, Sea World, Circus World, Bush Gardens....every zoo within driving distance...and every ice cream shop nearby!

My Mom and Dad made sure I had a childhood most kids dream about.

Camping, and hiking, and swimming....... skiing and skating and sledding...... always active...always involved in doing something to enhance body, mind or spirit.

So...yeah..we had power struggles..I was a strong willed child - imagine that....and Mom was determined...and it made for some interesting times. I like to block out those teenage years.

I dont know how this blog turned into a blog about mom...but lately all of my thoughts come back to her some way or another. Missing her rather acutely. I am hoping this gets better..easier..I would think it would have already after a years time :( to enjoy time with my husband and my goes - we be gellin!

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