Thursday, August 13, 2009

Feeling Like a Hamster on a wheel

The start of school is always insane with business. This year is even worse.

I am teaching five different classes, each with a completely different curriculum. There are no textbooks from which to form the curriculum so I am writing it as I go. Talk about time consuming! I love writing curricula...I love the creative process of figuring out how to engage the minds of students and instead of forcing them to learn, them loving the learning. I love the trial and error of figuring out what works and what doesnt and tweaking and adjusting. I love doing this...but there just arent enough hours in the day!

My legs feet brain is weary and I am trying to readjust to the constant noise noise noise noise.

I think that the quiet is my favorite part of summer.

And of course, it isnt just school...auditions at the community theatre...which I love. Getting ready for auditions at school. Trying to make sure Rich feels important and loved. Trying to find time to make time for my friends.

I feel like a hamster on a wheel...I love running the wheel or I would get off...but while I am running...I just keep looking ahead and seeing no end in sight...just more running and running and running and running.....

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