Wednesday, August 26, 2009


I spend a lot of my life missing people. I miss Meme, I miss my Mom, I miss my daughters, I miss my aunts and uncles, my cousins, my Dad , my brother, my niece and nephew, I miss my friends from high school, college....heck I miss my friends here because my life is so busy I dont have time for them. Now...for the next few days I am adding someone else to miss with Rich out of town until Sunday I will miss him as well.

You never realize how much someone means until there is a space in your life they filled. The little things - like...Rich gets up in the morning to make me coffee and breakfast before I go to work, or.... the days he works all night and gets home and makes coffee and when my alarm goes off and I get up to go into the bathroom, he has sat a cup of hot coffee on the counter so I can have a sip before I even get my eyes adjusted to light. His hug when I come in the door in the afternoon that says without a word that all is well with the world...I am home..and I am loved.
Monday we went to the movies....and my romantic and wonderful husband held my hand through the movie (he always does that) but he would bring my hand to his lips during the movie, and kiss the palm of my hand. Not a word, but a gesture of caring that made me feel like the most important person in the world to him. He does things like that all the time. Quiet acts of kindness and love ..they arent full of bravado, they arent for show..they are just simple loving gestures that mean the world to me. I will miss them with him gone.

I miss meme and mom. I miss that secure feeling...the guiding hand that I always knew was just a phone call away. I miss being able to have somebody to talk to about my girls, about my husband, about my work.....about my thoughts and feelings. Somebody objective who would love me no matter what I shared. I took for granted how much that meant to me. I didnt ever show either of them how much I cared while I could show them. I will always regret that. I have a hole in my life that they used to occupy and that noone else could possibly fill.

I miss my daughters. I miss the ease of just being able to hug them to let them know I loved them. I miss knowing everything about their day. I am so glad they are one another's best friend...but it leaves me out of the equation a bit, and sometimes I just want to cry from missing those precious girls. I sure do wish they would e-mail or call more. I do much better with e-mail!

They say absence makes the heart grow fonder, but I am not sure my heart has room to get any fonder of the wonderful man I married 24 years ago. He has his faults, but we love each other, and that is all that matters.

I guess the point of this missive is to appreciate the moments you have with the people you love. Dont let irritation, or complacence cause you to miss the importance of those moments. You never know when you wont get any more of them. Love long, Love lots...and tell the people you love how much you appreciate them every day.

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