Sunday, August 2, 2009

Home and Priorities....

I love my house. To me it is comfort and warmth and peace is home. I havent spent much time here this summer. Dont get me wrong, I am not complaining. I have done so many fun things this summer, seen things I always wanted to see, done things I always wanted to do...relaxed at the beach which always revitalizes me. I have, however, missed my house. I have missed my oversized chair in the corner of the living room that fits me and both dogs comfortably. I have missed my own kitchen to cook in, and the spices and other kinds of things I have at my fingertips to cook with at home. I have missed my princess bed, there is nothing on earth as comfortable as that bed. I have missed the relaxed easiness of just being home.

I love a clean, neat house...and it was so nice to walk in last night and be able to crawl into bed without worrying about picking up. One of the benefits of empty nesting is that Rich and I are able to keep the house the way we want it all the time. We washed our clothes before leaving the even the laundry is done. Just a few things to put away.... and summer is officially over.

As I look ahead to the upcoming year I am trying to focus on my priorities. I think Rich has felt like he comes behind work on my priority ladder. I am determined for him not to continue feeling this way. I do love my job though, and am exciting about upcoming productions at school and at the Community Theatre. I guess the key is finding balance...where I am speaking Rich's love language in the time we have together so he never forgets that always in my heart and mind he comes first on my priority list - no matter how busy life gets!

Speaking of busy...I need to finish up lesson plans for my new curriculum!

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