Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Work, Blog or Sleep?

Back to work after summer is always exhausting. Even before the students arrive, just getting up in the morning again is exhausting. I had been doing such a fine job of blogging, but my couch and sleep have called ...loudly...and i have answered the call with clicker in hand and pillow beneath my head for several nights now.

So......The past couple of days have been frustrating. I was so excited about having several classrooms...until I had to set up several classrooms! Oh my Jeez! I had trouble keeping up with one, nevermind 3!!! I am going to love my new little computer lab space. It is already starting to feel homey. I already love my big cavernous dungeon rehearsal room, and well...honestly I havent done a thing to the broadcast room yet!

So.....I finish getting dressed this morning for the big county wide school roll out extravaganza...and I hear my phone make the wonderful 'you have a text msg' sound. I dash to the phone, wondering which of the students is going to miss our performance at said extravaganza only to see a text from my principal informing me that I am going to have to speak at the extravaganza, in front of all of the faculty, staff , administrators, central office, school board from my entire school system. I text her back "what??????" I bet she waited until this morning to tell me because she didnt want me to have time to figure out how to get out of it. I hate public speaking. It makes me rather nauseated to be honest. I went to complain to my darlin husband, and he was busy with mafia wars and just told me to get over it, that I was the district teacher of the year and I could say a few words. Some loving sympathetic spouse..sheeesh. So I managed to say a few words...very few..the last words I spoke were "and now lets see the kids perform, they are much more fun to watch than me looking uncomfortable at this podium" ...and I scooted to the back fast and let the kids perform. They speak for me so much better than I do anyway! I dont like attention that way, I really dont. I get nervous and uncomfortable. I was secretly celebrating today being the last time I am going to have to be introduced as 'Teacher of the Year, top ten..etc" It has been so validating, but so ...humbling. I feel like the other teachers must be so tired of hearing my name! The kids performed great...lots of compliments about their performance.

Back to my new classroom and the frustration of cooling my jets and waiting on somebody else's timetable for completion. I dont do well with being on hold, not at all. Finally my computers were set up I just have to wait for my projector and speakers, etc to be put in!

I am looking forward to tomorrow. The first day of school is always exciting. Such amazing energy to it both from me and the students. Forging ahead to new group dynamics and projects and every day waking up with one desire - to inspire kids to love themselves and to love learning.

Time for bed...or i wont be so excited..I will be tired. Oh! Happy happy my bekah is coming to visit me tomorrow at school. I miss my girls so much, I am so glad she is coming to see me.

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