Friday, August 21, 2009

Theatre.....what it means to me....

Theatre ....... just saying that word gives me a soaring boost of adrenaline. I love everything about it. I love watching it, I love thinking about it, I love planning for it, I love acting, designing, directing, producing.....I love the collaborative nature of the art that brings people together with a sharing of talents and gifts and makes the most of each - raising each participant up. I love theatre people - they are the most creative, feeling, wide open people on the planet. They are just not afraid to play around in the feelings and thoughts inside of themselves that other people repress and suppress. They also tend to be insecure people who crave validation and are not particicularly intrinsically motivated. That insecurity is what lets them move so freely into the role of another...there is security in that, the script is constant and the outcome certain. The emotional journey is identified so there is no personal risk.

I love teaching theatre. I love opening the eyes and minds of young people to a medium they havent really encountered. I love catching them before their creativity is closed off, and opening them up to always thinking and experiencing things freely.

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